At Zartech, our eggs are incubated and hatched in a sanitized environment.
All departments are strictly separated in order to prevent disease spreading and to successfully keep our chicks safe from infections and to maintain a high bio-security standard.

Zartech is highly specialized in sourcing and procuring the highest quality available ingredients and raw material. We also adhere to complex formulation, hygiene, quality, traceability controls of consistent safe feed that meets our poultry production needs (broiler and broiler/ layer breeder) to benchmark productivity and performance while maintaining animal health welfare.
Carefully formulated; Zartech’s feeds provide vitamins and minerals and other essential components for each stage of our poultry production.

All Zartech chickens are farmed in large chicken houses where chickens are able to roam around freely, drink and feed at free will.
Temperature, ventilation, light and floor conditions in these houses are controlled and managed appropriately to give chickens the ideal climate in order to ensure that they remain healthy, free of stress, pain and suffering.

As Zartech is HALAL Certified, All chickens are hand slaughtered by a qualified Muslim slaughter man using a sharp knife.
Once slaughtered the chickens proceed along the processing line to allow all the blood to drain from their bodies.

Zartech uses a modern, humane, automated and internationally audited abattoir and processing facility.
A well-planned, well-executed and controlled cleaning and sanitation program for rooms, machines and equipment is closely followed up to achieve a hygienic standard.

To ensure our products are received in good condition and in a timely manner, Zartech manages its own fleet of modern, refrigerated trucks which services all of its outlets throughout the nation.
We maintain a sound product distribution system and outlets to make sure that our products get to our customers safely and without any delay.